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Day 25 - Greenville to Glens Falls

Tony Cacciarelli • Jul 09, 2020

Greenville, ME (8B0) to 
Glens Falls, NY (KGFL) - July 9, 2019

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Got a later start today than expected. I wanted to grab some shots of an abandoned DC3 sitting at Greenville. Where’s #planesavers when you need them?
It was a little murky passing over #mooselookmegunticlake . The pictures look worse than it actually was, though. I did a quick fuel stop at Mount Washington Regional Airport, but made decent time down to Glens Falls.
As I was approaching Glens Falls, I heard another ICON A5 on the radio. It was Brett, the A5 owner I was planning to meet up with. He’d been out flying and we ended up arriving at the airport at exactly the same time - couldn’t have planned that better if we tried. We landed one after the other and taxied over to Brett’s hangar.
There we met up with John, who had contacted me a while back to let me know about an A5 owner in Glens Falls. That lead to me connecting with Brett. John has been following the trip and was interested in hearing about how it was going. This was my second time meeting up with someone who’d reached out to me with a suggestion that got me to change my itinerary. Thanks, John!
Later, Brett and I compared notes on the A5 and set up a basic plan for our flight tomorrow. This will be the first time I’ve flown with another A5, so I’m really looking forward to it. Brett knows the local spots, so it should be a great day of flying.
I left the hangar and met up with a friend from a previous work life for dinner. She and her family drove down from Montreal for a short holiday and to catch up with me on my trip. I’m looking forward to giving them rides in the A5 tomorrow, if they’re up for it.

I'd really hoped to land on Lake Mooselookmeguntic. Another missed opportunity due to a combination of weather and fuel. 
I'd planned to fuel up at Greenville before heading out, but there was an issue with the pump. I had a good amount of fuel on board, so I decided to take off and do a fuel stop on my way to Glens Falls. It's not related, and kind of random, but I was reminded of an old saying:

The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.
- Anonymous

If I'd had a full tank I might've done at least a splash 'n go on the lake before heading out, but the weather also wasn't great and looked like it might be getting worse in that area. So, once again I made the safer choice and got on my way. I don't regret the decision, but I do wish I hadn't had to make it.

The FBO at Whitefield airport was exactly the kind of operation I mentioned previously. Just a small building with some snacks and drinks (using the honor system), a bathroom and some photos of the airport's history. It was perfect for getting out of the heat and refueling myself along with the plane.

The fact that I got to Glens Falls airport right as Brett was landing made me feel like things were going to work out OK for this leg of the trip. And another great people day between meeting Brett, John and my friend Linda from Montreal. 
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