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Day 29 - Ithaca to Akron

Tony Cacciarelli • Jul 13, 2020

Ithaca, NY (KITH) to Akron, OH (KCAK)
- July 13, 2019

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As of today I'm halfway through this two month adventure! Can't believe how much has gone by. Still plenty of good stuff coming up, though.
Since the weather wasn't cooperating yesterday, I didn't get a chance to explore the Finger Lakes as much as I'd hoped. But, this morning it was clear and calm so I flew out to Cayuga Lake to get a few water landings in before heading out. While I was getting set up I met a couple guys who do survey work in a twin engine Tecnam. It's interesting to learn about some aviation jobs I never realized existed. It's not glamorous work, but it's the kind of stuff that needs to get done and lets people build experience towards their next gig.
My first landing on the lake drew a bit of a crowd. I had a couple of rowers come by for a closer look and the State Troopers pulled up to make sure everything was OK - then asked a bunch of questions about the A5. 🙂
I did a few more water landings and then headed back to the airport to fuel up and get on my way.
The first leg was from Ithaca to Bradford, Pennsylvania. I knew there was going to be a headwind, so I planned a stop about halfway. Plus, it's good to get out and stretch a bit every few hours. Bradford was first class airport. The runways and taxiways were all in excellent condition and well-maintained. There's some small regional airline service that goes in and out of there, so I guess that helps keep it up.
The leg from Bradford to Akron was pretty bumpy, which made for some exhausting flying and slow progress. I think these are the most frustrating types of flights on this trip, where I'm just trying to get to the next stop. But, any time I start getting grumpy I remind myself that I'm FLYING. That never fails to reset my mood.
After a loooong approach into Akron-Canton, I taxied over to the MAPS Air Museum. Wow! They have a LOT of aircraft. I wasn't able to grab pics of anything, since I was dealing with getting the A5 settled in and meeting with the museum director. I'll get a bunch tomorrow.
I have a speaking opportunity at their pancake breakfast in the morning. Looks like they're expecting a good crowd! Guess I better make some notes tonight.

The storms all moved through overnight and the weather in the morning was great for some water ops on Cayuga Lake. Ultimately, I didn't have time to get around to all five Finger Lakes, as I'd hoped. One outta five ain't great, but I'll take it.

It's a mixed blessing when the boaters get interested in the A5 on the water. On one hand, it's great that people come over and make sure it wasn't some kind of emergency. It leads to some fun conversations. But, I've also had a few cases where I've aborted a takeoff or landing because a boater gets a little too close for comfort. It's never entirely clear if they see me and if they understand I don't have the same kind of maneuverability on the water that they might expect - especially at higher speeds. Fortunately, I can outrun them if I'm airborne and go land at another spot on the lake.

Not much to add about the flight over to Akron. I am still impressed with how up-to-date everything was at my fuel stop in Bradford. Big difference from some of the other small fields I'd stopped at. Glad to see some airports making good use of their FAA funding.

I went to dinner at El Fogon in Akron, a truly NOT authentic Mexican restaurant across the street from my hotel. Let's just say they were playing it very safe with the spices. But, they had dessert so I guess it was OK.
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