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Re-living the Fly Casual Tour

Tony Cacciarelli • May 06, 2020

Once More, With Feeling!

Hard to believe, but it's been nearly a year since I started my trip around the US.
While I was traveling, I posted daily to my Instagram and Facebook Page, but I didn't have the time to do a blog post every day. So, I thought it would be good timing to re-post the trip here. I have more space to get into the details of each day, post other pics and video, and have the benefit of hindsight for a different perspective on things - all without the pressure of flying every day and managing all the travel logistics.

I'll start posting on June 15th (the same DATE I started last year, although it'll be a Monday instead of a Saturday) and will post daily for the 64-day duration - and probably at least one wrap-up post at the end.

I've updated the Home page of this website to countdown to the start of the re-flight, so check in daily and join me as I look back at a once-in-a-lifetime Fly Casual experience.
By Tony Cacciarelli 17 Aug, 2020
Original Instagram Post
By Tony Cacciarelli 17 Aug, 2020
Original Instagram Post
By Tony Cacciarelli 15 Aug, 2020
Original Instagram Post
By Tony Cacciarelli 14 Aug, 2020
Original Instagram Post
By Tony Cacciarelli 13 Aug, 2020
Original Instagram Post
By Tony Cacciarelli 12 Aug, 2020
Original Instagram Post
By Tony Cacciarelli 11 Aug, 2020
Original Instagram Post
By Tony Cacciarelli 10 Aug, 2020
Original Instagram Post
By Tony Cacciarelli 09 Aug, 2020
Original Instagram Post
By Tony Cacciarelli 09 Aug, 2020
Original Instagram Post
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