Re-living the Fly Casual Tour
Tony Cacciarelli • May 6, 2020
Hard to believe, but it's been nearly a year since I started my trip around the US.
While I was traveling, I posted daily to my
Facebook Page, but I didn't have the time to do a blog post every day.
So, I thought it would be good timing to re-post the trip here. I have more space to get into the details of each day, post other pics and video, and have the benefit of hindsight for a different perspective on things - all without the pressure of flying every day and managing all the travel logistics.
I'll start posting on June 15th (the same DATE I started last year, although it'll be a Monday instead of a Saturday) and will post daily for the 64-day duration - and probably at least one wrap-up post at the end.
I've updated the
page of this website to countdown to the start of the re-flight, so check in daily and join me as I look back at a once-in-a-lifetime Fly Casual experience.